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The Chip Board Archive 24

for sale Oversize Paul-son 43 mm Winner Club Chips

These are oversize Paul-son chips with inverted H&C molds. Six chips, all 1000 denomination. I'm assuming these were samples of the big-chips they could make. Appear to be regular clay mold chips.

Yours for $4 each. Take all 6 for $24 and the Dansco page they are in is included if you ask. Shipping is $3 for any number of chips, including the other chip sizes also offered today.

Messages In This Thread

for sale Oversize Paul-son 43 mm Winner Club Chips
Re: for sale Oversize Paul-son 43 mm Winner Club Chip
Why would anyone order a live chip that said
Re: Why would anyone order a live chip that said
Any more?... Don, from memory...
Re: Any more?... Don, from memory...
Image is front and back of same chip. 50mm
Don, more 50mm plain mold Paulson chips....
Re: Don, more 50mm plain mold Paulson chips....
Re: Any more?... Don, from memory...
Plain mold oversized but I don't know who made
more oversized plan
one more
That's a good one
We are not amused
Don, see Eisenstadt's accurate description.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg