are you losing money on postage? To get tracking, you need to use a package rate, and the minimum charge by the post office is $2.45
On the INR, unless tracking shows it has been actually received, I expect eBay will refund his payment and take it out of your account whether you think he is scamming you or not. I'd be interested to hear how that turns out.
As for buyers making multiple transactions and multiple payments on the same day, it is definitely a pain in the butt. I also refund part of the payment, but it means manually entering the shipping info into multiple payment records since eBay and PayPal don't combine the transactions.
When everything works right, this can be enjoyable. As soon as you have to intervene, it takes a lot of time. Even the buyers who add a comment in the payment record like "thank you" mean I have to check the payment record before I process the shipment.
The great thing about on-line selling is that many orders come in overnight, and you do not have to open envelopes and run checks to the bank! I used to sell using catalogs and mail orders in the past, and the internet was a godsend.