The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 24

Virgil, the Palms was an illegal club here in


No Indian affiliation.

It was located off Westheimer and was busted about 10 years ago.

Played there a few times.


Messages In This Thread

wanted Texas or Tejas Chips wanted
wanted Info Needed - Palm's Club-Houston,TX
Palm's Club-Houston,TX
Re: Palm's Club-Houston,TX
Re: Palm's Club-Houston,TX
Thank You
Virgil, the Palms was an illegal club here in
Re: Virgil, the Palms was an illegal club here in
As far as I know they were in business for 2 years
Re: As far as I know they were in business for 2 y
Which chips are those ?
Re: Which chips are those ?
Had the same phone # for 25 years

Copyright 2022 David Spragg