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The Chip Board Archive 24

Amazing Race contest update

It has been a long time since I did an update so it's probably time. The show hasn't been on for the last few weeks due to the NCAA tournament but before the break, the team of Erin and Joslyn were sent home. In this weeks episode it was revealed that the teams were playing for an express pass which would be a huge advantage at this point of the race. Kurt & Brodie and Sheri & Cole were the two teams running at the front of the pack but Sheri couldn't figure out how to get an oil filter off in the last challenge and went from fighting for first to being the last team to check in at the mat and should have been sent home but were told that they were to continue racing with no elimination. Brody and Kurt were the first team to arrive at the mat and received the express pass and a huge advantage going forward. At this point of the race Kurt & Brodie and Tyler and Korey have been the strongest with the best chance to win and Sheri & Cole have been the worst yet somehow still in the race.

Theresa Garnier - Burnie Burns and Ashley Jenkins
Robert Likes - Scott and Blair Fowler
Steve Gobel - Tyler Oakley and Korey Kuhl
Dan Cooley - Sheri and Cole LaBrant
Mike Downey - Marty Cobb and Hagan Parkman - 1st team eliminated
Dennis Garnier - Dana Borriello and Matt Steffanina
Paul Biggs - Jessica Versteeg and Brittany Oldehoff - 3rd team eliminated
R. Joseph "HotRod" Meyers - Erin White Robinson and Joslyn Davis - 4th team eliminated
Carliana Cooley - Darius Benson and Cameron Benson - 2nd team eliminated
Dennis Berry = Kurt Gibson and Brodie Smith
Steve Clark - Zach and Rachel King

Copyright 2022 David Spragg