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The Chip Board Archive 24

Re: SNCCC INVITE FOR 04/12/2016! vbg

Funny Ross..I always got a chuckle out of "a few folks have indicated the El Cortez is hard to find"..what? It couldn't be easier to find.

What the few folks probably meant to say was "The El Cortez is in a terrible part of downtown and I don't want to go there"

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SNCCC INVITE FOR 04/12/2016! vbg
Re: SNCCC INVITE FOR 04/12/2016! vbg
Re: SNCCC INVITE FOR 04/12/2016! vbg
Re: SNCCC INVITE FOR 04/12/2016! vbg
Re: SNCCC INVITE FOR 04/12/2016! vbg
Remember when the crew in AC complained
Will there be a speaker at this months meeting ?
Re: Will there be a speaker at this months meeting

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