The annual raffle is one of our most important fundraisers as it helps the
keep costs of membership and the convention as low as possible.
As of today only 54 tickets have been sold which is WAAAAAY behind last years totals on this date.
With 10 prize packages to be awarded valued at between $300-$400 each, every ticket right now has a 1 in 4 chance of winning !!!!!!!!
Each Prize package may include.
1 of 5 $100 South Point Gift cards
1 of 4 Sets of 100 custom made personal chips
Chips, Tokens, Cards, Dice and tons of other stuff that keeps coming in every week.
Tickets are only $10 each of 3 for $25 and the money goes to a great cause.
We will be drawing 10 winners at the 2016 convention (3 Thursday, 3 Friday and 4 Saturday)
You do NOT have to be present to win as we will mail your prize if you are not attending the convention.
Tickets can be purchased by check payable to the and mailed to:
PO Box 691085
Houston TX 77269-1085
Thanks for your support !!!!!