The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 24

Reduced Prices on

I've been getting ready for the convention (Woo hoo!). I just finished my inventory, so my website is up-to-date, and I've reduced prices on many many chips. I have 1600 different Northern Nevada chips for sale, ranging from current chips to very rare obsoletes. I have only one each of almost a thousand of them, so now's your chance to beat the convention rush!

It's been a long time since I posted an advertisement for my website ( here. There is no advertising on the site. It's primarily designed as a showcase to display my collection, and not as a marketplace, so it's not exactly obvious how to shop there. To see only chips that are for sale, click on the Search Chip Gallery link at the top left. Then check Show In Stock Only at the bottom of the search dialog. You can easily limit the results to only the types of chips you are interested in. For example, to see only $5 house chips from Reno, you would fill out the dialog like this:

When you find some chips you want, send me an email at listing the TCR numbers, and I will respond with confirmation and a price. I charge $3 shipping per package regardless of the number of chips, which does NOT include insurance. Please understand that this is still just a hobby for me, not a business. Also note, I offer a new issues service for the Reno area. Let me know what types of chips you are interested in and I will send you an email when new chips come out - no obligation.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone at the Convention! Look for the big rotating personal chip and don't forget to ask for my latest personal.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg