David, I do not know everything about gaming, chips, and casinos .... nor do I profess to! You can catch more bee's with honey .... people have emailed me and say you really are a nice decent guy ... so let's see that side sometimes and not the bullish attacks on someone's post and collection. The fun part is the chip hunt and sharing the finds with fellow people with the same interest and goals. About 20 year's dealing with casino chips and I have yet had anyone ask for a refund!
If someone is not happy or feels they got a bad deal I would take care of it right away. You always refer to the retro / fantasy / remake chips I sell ... gee it's okay for the dozens remake chips at Spinetti's sold on ebay and in his store.
I have been accused of making $100 Showboat A.C. chips ... are you kidding? Paulsons made these and other $100 A.C. chips in a hurry here in Las Vegas and cut corners in the production process .... (see the poor quality inlays and painted inserts on the hundreds from different casinos. Paulson during this time of manufacturing was forced to move his chip operation to Mexico very quickly because of the EPA agency and employee lawsuits due to using lead shavings in his chips to give it weight. Paulson had orders to fill and turned out some sloppy work(see pics) ... I am will to wager all of these casino chips made during this time have the same faults. I am tired of defending and explaining myself to you. Get over it ... if you decide to discriminate against me and make false statements that me and or my company cause financial harm ... then you be prepared to expect consequences. Let me know when you are ready to stop this nonsense and go on to bigger and better things ... thanks for listening Rich Burgel