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The Chip Board Archive 24

Re: Help!! cleaning a chip with ink stain!


If you do manage to clean the chip please let me know what you use as I do have a couple of other chips (not this Playboy though) that were also damaged with the same ink and so would be good to know if they are cleanable.


Messages In This Thread

Help!! cleaning a chip with ink stain!
Good Luck, I've never been
Re: Help!! cleaning a chip with ink stain!
The problem is . . .
Not a deliberate cancellation
Thanks everybody, I will try whatever, if anything
If the chip was mine ~~~
Here's a chip I won't clean
WOW!! What a a keeper!
Re: Help!! cleaning a chip with ink stain!
Re: Help!! cleaning a chip with ink stain!
Re: Help!! cleaning a chip with ink stain!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg