Bill, I too have done business in the past with Michael, which went very well. He was also exceedingly patient with me as well as kimd. In the middle of working out this deal with Michael, ran across a comment Judy made similar to the one she made here. As a result, I Googled Michael, found that his home was for sale, and subsequently contacted the real estate agent handling the sale of his and his wife's home. I told the agent exactly why I was calling, as strange as I knew it to be, and she was great. She said she had known Michael for several years and had sold his previous home. Yep, I went to this extent based on a comment I read. If I am not mistaken, I tried to get in touch with Judy via email, and after a few attempts I believe I received a response mirroring the one here.
I don't know exactly the proper manner in which to handle a situation when you do not receive what you paid for or paid for something you did not receive; however if Judy is the only person who has experienced an issue with Michael, is there not a means in which to handle this differently? I believe we have an obligation to let folks know when we run across a scammer, but I don't know the best manner in which to handle these situations, as a direct result of this very thread.