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The Chip Board Archive 24

In Response To: RICH ()

We have battled. However I never get mad about prices. I am happy with a simple yes or no.

You need the royal Blue. You already have the navy blue. Now the light green is the question mark. In hand I see the difference. Both chips are in same condition. Not a case of one chip's color changing over time. I'm sure one is a reorder of the other.

Calling you an amateur? Never from my lips

Of course if you would trade with me, there would be no problem. I need several Deauvilles, for example. Maybe you could obtain some traders from the brothers!

Messages In This Thread

wanted Dunes Sultan C&S chips wanted
My Dunes Sultan C&S chips !!
Re: My Dunes Sultan C&S chips !!
Thanks Jim!
Here are a few
Here are mine

Copyright 2022 David Spragg