when did this happen?? Any idea of how??... were supposed to get together in June about the making of Cuban catalog...
Just recently asked me to send him the list of all the $1 denomination chips from Cuba, wanted to complete his GREAT CUBAN $1 collection. And, I sent him a message telling him the only two he was missing. Only one in existance of each....he never reponded... I guess now I know why now. I am sure he will get them both up there..and if there is an upthere, I am sure he will be there.
What a gentleman, truly a "nice guy".. I am still in shock. Knew him well during the exciting years of hunting Cuban chips...he was a pleasure to work with, and yes, he had a really nice collection of "chess sets", even though his chess game was not the best, as he always said, lol..... Will definetely miss the guy.