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The Chip Board Archive 24

Charles I apologize
In Response To: What Year(s)? ()

Charles, I always forget to include the details when I find an issue or error:

When I searched "all OTY"

Year 2000 - ChipGuide# CG136145
700 OTY Award Winners ChipGuide# CG136523
600 OTY Award Winners ChipGuide# CG136127
250 OTY Award Winners ChipGuide# CG136524
200 OTY Award Winners ChipGuide# CG136126
Under 100 OTY Award Winners
ChipGuide# CG018185
ChipGuide# CG136138
ChipGuide# CG136136
ChipGuide# CG136135
ChipGuide# CG136129
ChipGuide# CG136128
ChipGuide# CG136137

50 OTY Award Winners
ChipGuide# CG136525

Thanks again!

Messages In This Thread

ccgtcc Chip of the Year from Previous Years
On The ChipGuide, Of Course!
I don't know how I missed it...
Charles, we have a few issues here
What Year(s)?
Charles I apologize
It Will Be Fixed Tomorrow, Thanks.
Charles... do I need to do anything? LMK
Already Done
Thanks Charles! It looks great!
Paul, the "Official" Listing is maintained....

Copyright 2022 David Spragg