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The Chip Board Archive 24

for saleMore "House Cleaning" better NV, new, CHEAP!

Still doing "House Cleaning", those Flamingo Chips I still need are very expensive vbg

So, true Sale here and in eBay!!

Shipping $2.50, one or all....

These are pre-eBay, good luck, please do not make me go through eBay nonsense!

First row; Set of Tioyable Club....$39.00 full set. Cannot break the set. All SU

Second row; All SU+ to New .....$19.00 each (Crumley Hotels, El Rancho, El Morocco Club)

3rd Row, El Morocco Casino (New) ...... $29.00 (picture is with camera, chip is New but cannot stop the camera from moving...not my steady fingers..)

4th row, Silver Queen (New)............... $34.99

Just put SOLD sign or email me at Would accept OBO, but very little if at all. Already well below cost!

Also, just reduced prices on NV chips on eBay and added several quite rare chips, including an R-10, well below regular eBay offers, If interested go to this eBay page. Thanks for looking.

Row #1 and #2

Row #3

Row #4

Messages In This Thread

for saleMore "House Cleaning" better NV, new, CHEAP!
El Rancho sold
El Morroco Club $1 sold
SOLD Toiyable set, first line. Thanks
Re: SOLD Silver Queen

Copyright 2022 David Spragg