Over 4000 Traders

Starting in January 2016, I have listed everything I have (all of my excel inventory +) on the collection library trader/for sale. Of course, many of you did not know that my previous listings were items I had more than one of. Now, everything; even the ones I only have 1 (one) of will be listed. Please know; none of these are from my personal collection. One more important point while searching for chips on my CL site; there are two settings for viewing my chips. One is a simply a long, long list of pictures and descriptions. Two is by Country/City/State/Casino alphabetical. You may request to change this at any time. And when you do I will leave it on that setting for a couple of days, or whatever you request within reason, before I change to help another chipper’s request.
Follow This Collection Library Link To Approximately +/- 4500 Trader Chips >>>: http://www.collectionlibrary.com/Index.asp?EvApp=mls.5117&sPageName=MyTraders
This will cause more work for me, and along with that will be the possibility of more errors, and chances for items to slip through the cracks. So, I apologize in advance for the times I do not clear off a listing after it has been sold. Also, on the other side of coin, there will be times I will find a very nice item that I had forgot to put on the “Collection Library” when I first got it. And now I am listing it just when you started looking for it.
*On the subject of trading, please know: When you spot something on my CL Trader/For Sale list that you really want, I need to get something that I can put into my collection, also; or it will be a cash sale. Because, to take in trade something I will in turn have to sell, (that is already in my collection) requires me to work twice as hard to complete the original transaction.
The total amount of chips listed on this site as traders and for sale are approximately 4500. This of course will fluctuate up and down, however this number should afford most collectors looking for a piece to put in their collection at least an opportunity to see a few chips not often offered.
Thanks for taking your time to read over this post, Reggie
*Please read thoroughly
Copyright 2022 David Spragg