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The Chip Board Archive 24

Westen,post this on the CC>CC Board, I think the
In Response To: Organizational Audit ()

Last time you posted this Doug said ideas of this manner are best posted on the club board. I am writing this without checking to see if you have.Those are the people you would have to have take this matter into consideration.Best of luck,I do agree independent help would be a benefit into the future of the club.I know it may be nice for a very few members to just have a small group of friends but what about the future of the younger collectors and newer members who want to reach out beyond and invite and inspire and bring in a wealth of people who want to grow their collection of chips and old and new memorabilia.We need to widen the circle even internationally.

Messages In This Thread

Organizational Audit
Some very sound thoughts my Florida brother...
Re: Some very sound thoughts my Florida brother...
Re: Organizational Audit
very best idea I've heard so far!
Re: Organizational Audit
Yes, It is called Board Dues. Never heard of it? let me get this right...
Westen -- I wanted to apologize if
Re: Westen -- I wanted to apologize if
I didn't take it like that… ;)
Okay...I'm back grin The biggest issue as I see it
Thanks Steve… to answer a couple things...
Good post for ccgtcc message board
Westen,post this on the CC>CC Board, I think the
Re: Organizational Audit
Gabe would you support the club
Re: Gabe would you support the club
Gabe -- as a former club membership officer, I can
Re: Gabe -- as a former club membership officer, I

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