Don Lueders posted a nifty Western Club $20 a few days ago. Image below. It got me to thinking -- how many of these quarterpies with hot stamps are there? Not half pies / dovetails. Not inlays. Ones where you see the quarters all meet in the center. I've snooped a bit, and below is a small list I hope to grow with your help. If you are so inclined, please post a reply listing the casino, providing a ChipGuide link, posting a pic -- whatever, it's all good. Thanks!
El Rancho Vegas $25 windmill (NV) Blue/Orange
New China Club 50c (NV) Blue/Black
Sharkeys $5 (NV) Orange/Brown
Padre Hotel 'X' (CA), 3 diff denoms.
Western Club $20 (CA) Black/Yellow