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The Chip Board Archive 24

Page of the day,my new acquisition

Picked these up to add to my others of the same Clubs and casino's. I know have the $100 and the $5 Havana Riviera,Cuba, now if I could just get the $1 and the $25 and another Town Tavern to add to the few I have as well and The Casino De Paris to add to the $100 chip from here,one day I hope I have another chance at the $25 Casino De Paris,that would make for a very nice set.Thanks you and if you have any chips to add to these for sale or trade, please let me know,Torrey

Messages In This Thread

Page of the day,my new acquisition
Torrey, I think I can get you the Havana Riviera
Luis,cool,they are part of the $1 thru $100 I'm
I promise this time I will call you in a few days
Re: Page of the day,my new acquisition

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