A number of years ago, a number of souvenir tokens were made with the images of the current Las Vegas $100 table chips on them. Not an exact replica, but they do pick up the important details like mold, inlay design, and casino name/logo. The reverse of each token had a roulette wheel and the logo of someone (probably the token maker). The material was not marked on the token but they are proof-like and silvery in appearance. I'd say silver, but none are toned yet.
Here's what the reverses all looked like:
Can anyone tell me who made them?
In a couple of instances, I was unable to find references to a chip that looked like the one on the token, at least not a $100 denomination. Maybe if you collect 100's you could post a picture of the chip? I think that TheChipRack and The Chip Guide would also like to include pictures of them.
Following are individual posts with the token and the chip I think it was modeled after (or the closest I could find).