The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 24

Huge quantities of the $25 E.D.R. chips were ~~~

~~~ part of a grouping including a few of the litho inlay chips used at home "Casino Night" operation on the East Coast some 20 or so years ago... Chips do have strange ways of traveling from one part of the world to another; thus the reason why I hardly ever discount some info about what chips were used where.

Nobody even believed that 7,000 Harolds Club roulette chips (that I personally cherry picked to sell) were used at a woman's club in IL, many years ago... and I produced the paperwork as proof. grin

Messages In This Thread

Chip ID Help Needed
Top Left is the Patio Club, San Rafael, CA
Thanks Reggie
Re: Chip ID Help Needed
BTW: Probably 1st issue from Embajador!!
Thanks. Not only in this part of the world ~~~
And the real truth will probably never be known!!
Huge quantities of the $25 E.D.R. chips were ~~~
VC possibly an old Village Club Chip

Copyright 2022 David Spragg