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The Chip Board Archive 24

3 examples of the discount

Well, they had to raise the rates generally. Even though the rates are higher than before, you still generally get a discount over the retail price you'd pay to the post office clerk.

I printed a postage label today. For the fun of it, I calculated three cases -- see the discount?, though not for the first 3 ounces, but you do get free tracking if you print your postage.



Note: the $6.45 shown just above in this case is the Priority Mail rate. It seems that if you go to the post office clerk, he can't use an first class parcel rate above 13 ounces (so strange), so he must charge you the Priority Mail rate! Note how the "Retail" rate in the chart I show in my first post only goes as high as 13 ounces.


Messages In This Thread

Fee Bay
Ya still get a postage discount online.Charts here
Re: Ya still get a postage discount online.Charts
3 examples of the discount
Re: 1-8 OZ cost us $2.60 now...
Re: Fee Bay
Re: Fee Bay
Re: Fee Bay
Tracking is free at the post office now
15.999 oz at PO allowed not 16 for FC
Re: 15.999 oz at PO allowed not 16 for FC

Copyright 2022 David Spragg