Thanks for chiming in, Jerry. I knew you would have some that I did not, but I'm surprised there are only 8 that you know about. Do you think they are all Christy and Jones? The cane doesn't intersect the hat high enough for me, but they do have shiny hats and the canes are pretty long.
Final question is the one I asked on my reply to Jay... why were these "Lake" chips done at all? They produced a hundred times as many that say "Tahoe" or "Reno". Why weren't all the South Shore roulettes labeled "Tahoe"?
Have fun on your way to the Super Show and the ChipChat auction. I won't be going this year. I should have had Doug sell more of my chips though, as most of the NCV's and samples I wanted are already bid for more than I want to pay .
Enjoyed your snow pictures. It's predicted to be 60 degrees in Oregon next week! Las Vegas will likely be even more balmy though.