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The Chip Board Archive 24

Re: Question: Venetian/Palazzo CNY chips...

I generally don't like paying more then $2-4 over face on live chips. I see people asking for over $40 which I think it's too much considering they are available at the table/cage.

For me it's even worst cause our dollar is so low, plus shipping on top of that, I might as well fly down there to pick it up myself vbg

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Question: Venetian/Palazzo CNY chips...
Re: Question: Venetian/Palazzo CNY chips...
Re: Question: Venetian/Palazzo CNY chips...
Re: Question: Venetian/Palazzo CNY chips...
Hard ones to get are the 8 dollar
Did Venetian have a horse chip too?
Yes they did.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg