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The Chip Board Archive 24
ncr "The Tree of Life"
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ncr "The Tree of Life" ncr
I thought you just gave them a trim?
It looks windy.
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ncr "The Tree of Life" ncr
ncr "The Tree of Life"
This was last trim; 6/6/2015. Winds today 55mph.
Re: This was last trim; 6/6/2015. Winds today 55mp
Every single coconut was gone in a few hours.
John, so they are still edible even w/disease?
In this instance there is no disease.
John,thanks,reminds me of when I lived in Hawaii
Those Coconuts Are Worth . . .
I put coconunt milk in my coffee every morning, it
That's good... But never, ever ~~~
Kind of scarce in Florida due to ~~~
Re: Coconut Yellowing
They are just about giving up on them here in Fla.
True Story How I Lived on Coconuts
Coconuts are valuable in Hawaii!!!
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