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The Chip Board Archive 24

Jay,if the chip is the only thing wrong with that
In Response To: Today's Finds... ()

chip then it is worth a lot more than you paid,there is 2 listings in the chip rack.One fire damaged is an S $300 and the other is Z-2 $1100-$1500 and in James book R-8. so you did well.A very sought after chip and the very first chip of the series, 1st ed.So even with the chip,well not to big of a deal,whats the other side look like? Anyway good going!!!

Messages In This Thread

Today's Finds...
Jay ,Score on the Golden Club Reno!!!
thanks Torrey...
Oh... Forgot about this chip
Very nice....
Thanks Charles
Thanks Barry
Jay,if the chip is the only thing wrong with that
Torrey ...Both sides
Re: Torrey ...Both sides
ARK supposedly from Salinas...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg