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The Chip Board Archive 24
The other side...
In Response To:
Sometimes you get lucky
after a good cleaning (yeah, I clean chips):
Not bad!
Michael Siskin
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Sometimes you get lucky
It's a beauty. Congrats...!!!
The other side...
Re: Sometimes you get lucky
I will have to get it out and scan it tomorrow.
Re: I will have to get it out and scan it tomorrow
Could be a mule
I don't see any sign of tampering
Re: Could be a mule
Re: Could be a mule
Is it possible to make a mule without any signs of
Re: Is it possible to make a mule without any sign
Re: Could be a mule
That pretty Brighton ain't no mule!
Re:heres my mule chip
That mule sure got excited when he saw Al!
Re: Could be a mule
still looking for it
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