Am I the only one getting killed this year? First there are the slightly injured players I drafted that should be no problem to play in week one that are still out. Then there is the number one and number 2 RB's who have each scored a total of 7 points so far. Of course who can forget the number one WR who got hurt on the second play of the year and is out for more than a month. Or the number one WR who got hurt before the first game and has not played anywhere near expectations? I almost forgot the TE who cut his hand and has been out. In one league my kicker has more point than anyone else except the QB and he is only ahead by 8 points. I played the #3 rated defense last week and they got less than 1 point (that is not as bad as one team I saw who had -1 points.) I won't even mention the QB who got hurt last weekend and may not play.