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The Chip Board Archive 24
She was a great woman! She will be missed
In Response To:
Myrna Lighterman
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Myrna Lighterman
Our condolences to you and your Family.
I'm very sorry to hear that. My condolences.
My condolences to you & your family, Mark
Wonderful lady. She will be missed.
Mark, I am so sorry
So sorry to hear...
I'm so sorry to hear this, Mark...
My condolences to you Mark and your Family
Mark, I'm very sorry for your loss.
Re: deepest and sincerest sympathies
My condolences Mark .
Very sad......
May She Rest In Peace...
My condolences to you and your family.
Our sincere condolences she was a fine lady.
She was a great woman! She will be missed
Re: She was a great woman! She will be missed
Very sorry for your loss. Godspeed...
Re: Myrna Lighterman
My condolences to you and your Family
So sorry to hear that - she was the best
Re: Myrna Lighterman
Really Sad, REALLY sorry Mark, she was special!
Mark, we don't need to tell you that...
God bless her. A great great lady
What A Sweet Woman. My Condolences.
So very sorry to hear of her passing, Mark
I am so sorry-she was a very nice lady
So sorry, Mark
Sorry To Hear! God Bless!
Very sad to hear. My condolences to you
Our condolences to you and your Family
Myrna will be missed. Her smile always
My heart felt condolences Mark
RIP, condolences
My condolences to you and your family.
Re: My condolences to you and your family.
Re: Myrna Lighterman
Our condolences
I am so sorry, Mark
My condolences to you & your family, Mark
R.I.P. Myrna Lighterman
Sincere condolences. She will be missed.
Re: Myrna Lighterman
Sorry to Hear of Your Loss.. Our Condolences!!!
Our condolences Mark. God bless "Mom".
Mark, My sincere condolences to you and your
Our Condloences
My Condolences Too, Mark
Mark, our sincerest condolences
Our condolences
Re: Our condolences - so sorry to hear ...
Re: Myrna Lighterman
Condolences and prayers for you
Our Condolences- So Sorry to Hear of the Loss
Re: Myrna Lighterman
Sincere condolences.
I am so sorry to hear this very sad news.
So Sorry, our condolences
Re: Myrna Lighterman
Deepest condolences.
Mark, So So very sorry. She was a sweet lady.
My Deepest Condolences. She was a wonderful person
Very sorry, my condolences Mark.
I'm very sorry Mark! My condolences.
Re: Myrna Lighterman
Re: Myrna Lighterman
sorry for your loss ,she was a speacial woman
My deepest condolances
Re: Myrna Lighterman
Mark condolances to you and your family.
I am very sorry for your loss
Always a smile & a hello, will be missed by all.
Re: Myrna Lighterman
Mark-Our Thoughts Are With You
Awwwwwww man
Condolences, Mark. She was a beautiful person.
Re: Myrna Lighterman
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