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The Chip Board Archive 24
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I agree John, pretty sad
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Just received an email from a member
Joe ! Really ??????
Mike see what happens when you ask a question ?
Joe, lets not give people the wrong impression.
Thank you Doug. But for some
How many times does it have to be posted
So you do own it. News to me and
Re: So you do own it. News to me and
Not only did Joe NOT get any votes...
And andy that was the greatest chip deal of all t
Scott we will discuss this at a later date in
ohh you find THIS to be inappropriate?
scott you are a great person I feel
Re: Just received an email from a member
I remember the Board when Greg owned it
Jim all I did was ask a question ?
what is the problem one would see if they met me?
Scott you big idiot don't hide behind this board
I realize you asked a question
Re: You are WAY out of line with that comment!
But it's ok for him to call me names
Re: But it's ok for him to call me names
Von, how hard was it for you....
i did not call you a name...
Like I said Scott we could discuss this in person
Re: Like I said Scott we could discuss this in per
I never said anything about violence .
Veiled Threats. Look it up.
Re: Like I said Scott we could discuss this in per
Hey Hotrod!
Joe, I am confused. I have met Scott and dont
Doug what would you say if I called Scott an idiot
Joe, Most likely I would not say anything as its
Well I spoke my mind. You have to see it to
I never called him any names . Like I said before
This is a joke right?
An excellent example...
A serious question, Joe. If you were club pres ~~~
Re: A serious question, Joe. If you were club pres
John. My answer is. Not to
You should contact Southpoint immediately...
Just one of the reasons I have not...
Miss ya Shoooper
Same here king of crap
Re: haaaaaaaaaa
Thank you bill. You are the best
Joe is not alone. Just the other day there was a ~
I agree John, pretty sad
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Hey bob haven't seen you at the last
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