spent 3 calls and a couple hours call waiting.
I am retired have little else to do.
so I go on Amtrak on Day trips. wherever I can make a round trip in 1 day.
3 or 4 routes are availeble to me.
Here is where the Post office connection Kicks in.
one of my routes changed so since I don't have a curent Timetable I called 1 (800) USA-Rail to insuire what my Options were.
(grade school logic coming up) If a train leaves chicago with a destination of Detroit. at 07:00, and a Detroit Train bound for Chicago at 07:00 where wil they meet?
(assuming level track This should be easy) 2 / 1 = halfway between Detroit and Chicago
That didn't occure to the Amtrak representative. They kept asking me multiple times WHERE DO I WANT TO GO? I kept answering I DO NOT CARE I JUST WANT TO MEET THE WESTBOUND TRAIN with a minimal layover.
Will Have a Current Michigan Timetable Tomorrow (Thursday) I will figure it out fromthere.
Love to you all
Paul Hegge