In the past I have never had any difficulty speaking with you about any club activity or problem. Over the years you have, in my opinion, become very sensitive and take everything personal. I like any club member am entitled to my opinion. My opinion does not always agree with your opinion. However, we have always remained friends and did not allow our differences to cause problems with our friendship. I hope that is still the case.
I realize you are being inundated with ideas, suggestions to solve problems that may just be unsolvable. I have purposely kept my ideas and suggestions to myself until you and I could meet together to discuss various possibilities. I purposely used a four year old article to demonstrate to the readers that many ideas have been previously discussed. My change comment was meant to mean many things have been already discussed. Ideas have been suggested in the past with the same ideas being discussed currently. I did not mean for you to rehash previous ideas.
I have never criticized your performance as President but refer my comments to the entire board where you have one vote. In my last post I merely made a comment involving the accepting and/or disregarding of suggestions and ideas to improve the club. My original post was over four years old. You took one comment I made, and in my opinion, built your response around that comment. I did not mean for you to do that.
Anyway, I will repeat…the more things change the more they remain the same. Lighten up!!!!
Your friend, Jim