The prices for Cuban chips have escalated to Unreal prices. Several ebay sellers with little knowledge of Cuban chips have decided to post chips of all types, cheap & expensive, at ridiculous high prices as a technique to get the buyers used to the idea that those are real prices, and then bring the price down, still very high, and try to sell at those newly "reduced" prices. THEY ARE NOT SELLING!
In fact, because the amount of so few "looks" in the Cuban chip section, many Cuban chip sellers are selling them under Caribbean chips and only when you get there they say is Cuban in the description. That is how bad the state of the Cuban chip collecting has become. Mostly because of non-collectors trying to get a "quick" hit. It is sad for those of us who have been and are passionate about our historic Cuban collections.
I promise the Cuban catalog will be out as soon as possible, even if is free on the internet, but it will go out. The prices of Cuban chips are not cheap and will never be cheap for the simple reason[red] that there are NO MORE new chips in Cuba. The island Cuban are trying to buy the cheapest Cuban chips from USA collectors to re-sell at high prices to the tourists in Havana. There is nothing new there, except for the occasional "fake" ones that show up every so often. I usually try to stop them or make it public that they are fake.
But, with the catalog, we should be able to differentiate the value of the chips to each other. So you can pay less for the common and more for the higher, eventually we hope the prices will stabilize based on that. And we can use it to know the fake from the real ones. Particularly now with the opening of Cuba, there will be more demand of the Cuban chips but also will attract the productive minds of the owners of the "fake factories".
NOT PUSHING FOR MY CATALOG, just asking for patience with the problems of Cuban chips, we will fix it!
I picked some regular Cuban chips to sell or trade. More interested than selling is to give an idea of what prices should be, at least comparing one chip to the other. If you have any interest in buying, please e-mail me at The same if you are interested in trading (would prefer).
1- C-14, this is supposed to come from a small casino, initially an illegal "house casino" at 14th Street with main Avenue. Most have some coloring on it but in general their condition is very good. $29.00
2- Tropicana "fountain roulette" yellow/mustard VG condition $34.00
3- Club Union, Santiago de Cuba (different from the famous Union Club at Havana). Beige roulette in VG condition. $30.00
4-CC, translates as "city workers Club", most of these were found in large boxes, in sets, in the vaults of the Club, which had been closed for decades. $14.00
5- This is a rare chip. Belongs to the Tropicana. The Tropicana had at least two working casinos at any given time. The second much smaller was a VIP for high rollers and just plain VIPs. The room was called the "Beau Site Crest", in memory of the original large private mansion, which went by that name and which turned into the Tropicana before renovations were made. These chips and similar roulettes were used in that small room. Initially a few showed up at the same time, making it appear that many more were coming. But....... they did not. So, the prices went up. Now they are very rare but do not have the appeal of the beautiful "Tropicana chips". $65.00 (may be off on the spelling. ON purpose did not offer any of the better known 50's beautiful chips so that you guys could see the "other chips"> Thanks for watching.
** Cuban chips, except for the 50's chips, most of which were never even used, are rarely free of defects, these were in the ground, and everywhere for at least 60 years, the newer ones! So, we tend to be extremely open about the condition of these chips.**