Both the NEON MUSEUM AND THE MOB MUSEUM are 501c3 organizations that preserve gambling history as we do.
In regards to grants for our organization from the other thread, see how the mob museum was paid for:
Should we be writing for grants? ahhh… yes! So… who writes these grants? Grant writers. See who they use, hire them. Grant writers
have resumes and any investment in good grant writing will pay off.
Take a look at their organizational structures.
They have a BOD that brings real value, they don't run the day to day operations. They have an Executive Director who is supported
by the Board.
Their website is dynamic and draws you in… it represents them well. Here is the home page:
The Neon Museum has a similar structure. Here is their BOD info. Notice the expertise of each member.
Their Annual Report.
Obviously these guys are different than us… but not so different.
What I ask from our current leadership is to agree to have a professional evaluation of our Club by a 501c3 consultant.
They are like Doctors and when they tell us how to become stronger and better achieve our goals, we need to listen.