You quit your obligation as Secretary. I don't care that someone took over for you, only that you quit. I, personally, would not vote for you just based on that. EVERY BOD position is important & the discussions are many times very contentious as (sometimes) there are a myriad of differing opinions and ideas.
With regards to adding duties to ANY of the BOD offices, that is really up to the Board members. As a former BOD member, I can tell you that when things need to be done or responsibilities need to be shared or temporarily transferred, it happens -- someone always steps up to help. Just like the volunteers do every year for the convention. If you want to take on posting the Nevada chip report, that's great & your effort is appreciated. It just doesn't really present itself as a qualification for Vice President of the (in my opinion).
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question(s).
Steve Bedo