We are absolutely aware of any chips ever ordered on EBAY that were not paid for. We have had perfect EBAY feedback from both buyers and sellers since 1998. (Feel free to review all of our feedback anytime).
I am surprised of the issue your raise. I am unaware of any such order and certainly apologize if there was any misunderstanding. Since this is the first I am hearing of this can you please be specific? Are you saying you sent chips that payment is due for? While I can't imagine this would have ever happened as it never has in our nearly 20 years on ebay. If this is the case I would gladly send an immediate
a paypal as we ALWAYS honor our commitments.
Not sure why you wouldn't have reached out directly to me if there was any issue. Email is on here BTW so feel free to reach out directly as we want to make sure you feel taken care of.