I'm leaving Wednesday after work for my 23rd CC>CC Convention. And yes, I have driven to all of them! I'm more excited than I've been for years. Mr. and Mrs Smith have done an incredable job. I have never seen people so organized and totally dedicated to making this the best convention ever. Huge thanks to Sheldon and Christine. Most jobs are being handled by the same yearly volunteers. Too many to thank here, but you know who you are and thanks. If you are new or have never helped out, please see one of these 'regulars' and offer to help out. It is very rewarding. Look forward to seeing everyone and hope to meet people I've dealt with, but never met in person. I'll be the short fat guy with the empty pockets after the first couple of hours! I mean I'll always be the short fat guy, but my pockets will be empty after a trip through the showroom.