There was a 4.2 earthquake about 10 miles away from my home, today. Since I live in Michigan, that is NOT a statement that I've made before! Being an unusual event, it made me think about other earthquakes that I've felt...which I can count on one hand (and still have enough digits left on the hand to hold a cookie! )
The only distinction about the first earthquake I felt is that it was my first. It was short and mild...I didn't even know it was an earthquake until later.
I experienced my second earthquake when we were in Vegas (Las Vegas, for Ralph ). We were staying in the hotel tower at the Horseshoe (used to be the Mint tower) and it was around 8 a.m. and woke me up. I experienced a feeling of vertigo...and thought it was me, until I noticed the adjustment rod on the mini-blinds was swaying, and heard excited voices in the hallway. Again, not a strong husband was taking someone to the airport and didn't even feel it.
So today's quake (#3) made me think about quake #2...and that made me think it would be a good idea to post some Horseshoe pictures.... (How's that for making a short story long...??! )