Hi Steve,,, We are trying to hang in there like everyone else. We have our own nursing home going on here. lol My wife has good days and bad. She is trying to hang tuff and not worry me to much. I have been fighting surgeries and problems for at least the last 2 1/2 years and they have told me if the medicine they have me on now doesn't help I will have to have 2 parts of my colon and intestines cut out. Blaaaaah!! lol I am putting that off as long as I can!! I am so tired of doctors!! I never know when I will be able to get eased up enough to get to sleep and it seems like i never feel good anymore. It is constant pain all day & night. I am blessed. There are so many people alot worse than me.
You all have been so wonderful to Me & my Wife!! You all mean the world to us!! Thank You ALL for the emails and help!! Charlie Bianco and his wife Janet & us are going to try to get together in May and meet at French Lick Casino!!!!! I am looking forward to that so much!!! Well, I will shut up now and get off here for now.Take care my friends and have a great night/day, Mark