The buy it now auction I won the other day has been cancelled by the seller. I suspect someone offered more money to the seller after the auction ended. My intention was to be able to offer these once premium chips at a very discounted price of $25-30 per set of four shipped or trade for chips that I like (old beat up California chips) That way everyone who wanted they chips could have a set. I realize that would effect the value tremendously, and those who already had these chips would be affected...but, whether I sold these for $25-30(for a set of 4) or the new owner of these chips for whatever they can get for them $100-400 a set?? The values are affected. Just remember that there are 30 + sets out there. Don't buy at a premium.
I am a little disgruntled over this matter... But I think everything happens for a was too good to be true!!