my favorite photos . It was on ebay with 3 other pictures (all in separate auctions) and I tried to get them all; I was hoping they could stay together...but, alas! the bidding was fast and furious. I did manage to win 2 of the auctions, though...and this one is my favorite.
The picture was taken around 1944-1945.
I love this "trinket" from the Silver Club
3 cool things about the photo....
Notice that the largest storefront was the Silver Café!
The smaller storefront was the Silver Club...drinking and gambling!
The drinking and gambling must have been gaining in popularity, because the Silver Club expanded into the business next door...which used to be the Golden Camel.
Did you notice the Pioneer Hotel in the photo? Funny that a dime chip is the only denomination found from the place, as far as I know...