Looking to fill the following gaps in my collection - please drop me an email if you can help
24 lines mold -
table 1 beige, brown, pink, light blue
table 2 brown
table 3 blue, pink, salmon
table 4 brown, salmon
table 5 beige, brown, pink, green, light blue
table 6 brown, pink, salmon
table 7 brown
table 8 beige, brown, green, light blue
table 9 beige, brown, pink, green
Plain mold :
table 2 purple , orange
table 3 orange
table 4 orange
table 5 cream, pink, navy, orange
table 6 all colours
table 7 all colours except cream
jetons - $5 4 yellow elipses, $20 3 blue stripes , $20 4 blue elipses