If there's anyone keeping track of Illinois casinos, word is that the Casino Queen (Home of the Loosest Slots) in East St Louis, IL, right across the river from St Louis, will be closing this this year. Business has declined a great deal to the point that their buffet is closed, they've done away with the employee dining room and the core of their business, the slot players, aren't going. They switched over to an "Employee Owner" set up a few years ago. If they're open in December then they're required to hand over a lot of money to their employees which they ultimately want to avoid. The higher ups have made the decision to close sometime by the fall and all the employees know. Word is now spreading around the area among guests and the public.
If anyone needs chips from there before they close let me know and I'll see about making a trip. As soon as I learn a definite closing date I'll pass that along.