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The Chip Board Archive 24

Possible pre-reg goodie suggestion

Just spitballing here...

What if in the pre-registration package there was a one-time bourse floor free entry ticket that could be given to anyone. Members could keep it in their pocket and if they meet someone over the weekend that sounds interested or intrigued (tagalong friends, fellow gamblers, people in the cafe, etc) they could hand it to them for a one time entry. The guards at the door could collect them, or tear them, to make sure it wasn't reused.

I know if I was gambling next to someone who was talking about some obscure hobby (i.e. meteorites, antique watches, etc) I might think think it was neat, but probably wouldn't pay an admission to get in. If that guy handed me a free ticket, I would definitely take a look. Who knows, maybe someone would get hooked.

Messages In This Thread

Extra! An Informal Convention Survey - Need Input
regular pre-registration
Re: Extra! An Informal Convention Survey - Need Inp
Don, I think you are confusing the issue.
$10 pre reg - no goodies
Re: $10 pre reg - no goodies
Yes, I was thinking of Junior as children
Doug use wording "Deluxe" and "Basic" ............
Good idea
I love the idea of multiple registration options..
Possible pre-reg goodie suggestion
I agree grin
Re: Extra! An Informal Convention Survey - Need Inp
Re: Extra! An Informal Convention Survey - Need Inp
Is that an issue?
Re: Is that an issue?
Spragg's armament
Re: Extra! An Informal Convention Survey - Need Inp
Why not let the kids in free
I Agree With You, Jim.
Re: I Agree With You, Jim.
The "regular" is a bargain as it is.
Regular Pre-Admission
Regular only
How About Just Having the Convention in the Winter
Re: How About Just Having the Convention in the Wi

Copyright 2022 David Spragg