- Longhorn Casino $1 New Release
$1 Winnemucca Chips
- Went to the muscle show today at the Orleans
- HELP Needed for Plaza Display! Locals and Visitors
- Jackie Gaughan, JK Housells and John Jones Sets
- $25's are covered. All others still wanted...
- Barrick Gaming Set from 2004....
- $25's are covered. All others still wanted..
- Tamares Group's First Set of Chips...
- $25's are covered. All others still wanted...
- Tamares Group's 2nd Series from 2012....
- $25 is covered. All others still wanted...
- Tamares Group's Current Issue Chips....
- $25 is covered. All others still wanted...
- Oscar's Booze, Broads and Beef LE's...
- $25 is covered. All others still wanted...
- TITO's are needed, as we have none, nada...
- Tournament Chips...
- I have the 500 & 1000 to loan
- Steve, great and Thanks!...
- Another Tournament Set from the 2000,s....
- $25 is covered. All others still wanted...
- And this 100 No Cash value from 2008...
- Ashtray! We only have one!....
- Jim, Sent you an email.
- Reply made. Thank you.
- Re: HELP Needed for Plaza Display! Locals and Visi
- Already have and will be verifying before use
- David -- not sure that they have anything
- Reno Commem c&s
- for sale extra cheap
- Atlantic City Restaurant question...
- Here are several reviews ....
- Re: Atlantic City Restaurant question...
- Re: Atlantic City Restaurant question...
- Caesars Palace Las Vegas roulette
- Caesars Palace series 16 in The Chip Guide
Page of the Day
France etc.
- I think someone might win the BONUS BONUS on WtC
- $88.02
- $78.77
- $111.50-SHELDON SMITH-R-82
- Re: $111.50-SHELDON SMITH-R-83
take it for
a few nice chips
- Re:
a few nice chips
all of row 3
- Re:
a few nice chips
- Playin' around with my chips again...
- Some scarcer fractionals w inlays
- Re: Playin' around with my chips again...
- Re: Playin' around with my chips again...
- Re: A place in the sun...
- Re: Playin' around with my chips again...
- Sun Bar in Lovelock
- Sun City in Africa
- Misleading A.C. "rare casino chip"
- Re: Misleading A.C. "rare casino chip"
- True!
- I rarely see that on Ebay!
- Re: HOWEVER ...
Some Real nice chips Real CHEAP ending Sunday
New Longhorn Chip in stock w/ all others
- $25 Dunes 15th Iss Las Vegas Chip
- Old Vegas Photo of the Day
- #LasVegasCasinoChip of the Day is a $1 Lady Luck 6
- #AtlanticCityCasinoChip of the Day is a $100 Bally
- Last hours UK, USA, illegals, Playboys
Suggested for entry into chip guide day-245
- 1.618
- Re: 1.618
- Another thing....
- TRACEY (Please ignore or you'll be bored!)
- Re: TRACEY (Please ignore or you'll be bored!)
- Re: TRACEY (Please ignore or you'll be bored!)
- Jeton Value...for a friend
- Re: Jeton Value...for a friend
- thanks Westen.....
- Soem GREAT New Illegals just listed on
- Heading for Vegas !!!
- Glad you and home are OK see you 6/9 or 6/10
- Good luck chipping, Safe & Sane
Canadian Chip
- Today’s Token
- Comment about counterfeits ...
- Re: Comment about counterfeits ...
- Re: Comment about counterfeits ...
set from Camelot/Calif. card room
- brothal chips ,nasty
I will take them
- Re: brothal chips ,nasty
- Adult
Brothel Chip lot
- Do chips have actual inlays or just a sticker?
- Antique Chips ....Eagles
- Thanks Again for the Pic's ...
- New Rack Horseshoe Souther Indiana
- #7
- #3
- Winner. Winners.
- WTT,WTT My Ewing Molds for Inlay 25c
Vegas room key of the day
take them for
3 For Only 10 Bucks Continues-3 More Scans
- Last of the exhibit set photos a big thank you
- Exhibit going up at the Union plaza
- Cool! Thanks for sharing!
- Re: Cool! Thanks for sharing!
- Real cool exhibit signs just hung
- Thanks for sharing!! Im sure it will be amazing!!
- Re: SNCCC TUESDAY/02/02/2016 INVITE!
- Re: SNCCC TUESDAY/02/02/2016 INVITE!
- Neal time of meeting 1900hrs
- NCR Best Bang For The Buck SUPER BOWL Viewing???
- I have always thought that if I were
- Re: NCR Best Bang For The Buck SUPER BOWL Viewing
- Re: NCR Best Bang For The Buck SUPER BOWL Viewing
- Yes U can WIN this CHIP, guess 4 FREE NOW
- $95.25
- $117.10
- $63.02
take it for
a few nice chips
- I'll take row 1
all of row 1
Page of the Day
# 4
# 4
Feature Chip >>> Colville Tribal
- 1895 police raid on gambling house
- police raid on gambling house photo caption
- I prefer to make up my own---
Crystal Club, Calif. Chips
- 2 sets sold - a couple sets left
Las Vegas Hilton $25 Blackjack Diamonds
- SUPER SHOW reminder, be there.....
- Dollars from Vegas For Sale
European chips
- Re:
European chips
Any 3 Chips Only $10-3 Scans Below
- $1 Silver Slipper 4th Iss Las Vegas Chip
- Wynn VS Boston - guess the big WINNER!
- Spielbank Casino in Berlin by Gauselmann!
Silver Casino Tokens
- Old Vegas Photo of the Day
- #LasVegasCasinoChipo ofthe Day is a $5 Sands 13th
- #AtlanticCityCasinoChip of the Day is a $25 Clarid
Suggested for enty into Chip Guide Day-244
- Looking for this chip...
- Re: Looking for this chip...
- killer clown
- looks like Willard Scott
NCR ~ Friday Humor, January 29th...
- "LIKE"
- Happy Birthday Andy
More chip Lots
See Pictures Here
- Thats fun !!
Mostly $5 Nevada Chips
- Hotrod of the day for 1-29-16...NCR
- Fee Bay
- Ya still get a postage discount online.Charts here
- Re: Ya still get a postage discount online.Charts
- 3 examples of the discount
- Re: 1-8 OZ cost us $2.60 now...
- Re: Fee Bay
- Re: Fee Bay
- Re: Fee Bay
- See:
- Tracking is free at the post office now
- 15.999 oz at PO allowed not 16 for FC
- Re: 15.999 oz at PO allowed not 16 for FC
- TCBPP - Congrats to San Juan Ron!
- Oakland Raiders to Vegas....
- Boyd Gaming 40th Anniversary Set of 18 Complete!!
- Re: Boyd Gaming 40th Anniversary Set of 18 Complet
- Nice !
- Congrats!
- jim very hard to get. Congratulations
- Congratulations
- Re: Boyd Gaming 40th Anniversary Set of 18 Complet
- Paul that's the hard one to get
- Re: Paul that's the hard one to get
- Congrats! Great networking!
- Just Wait Til They Issue The 41st Anniversary Set!
- Re: Boyd Gaming 40th Anniversary Set of 18 Complet
- Re: Boyd Gaming 40th Anniversary Set of 18 Complet
- Well done!
- Today’s Token
- How do you clean bone chips?
- Cream peroxide is used to clean animal bone
- Page of the day,my new acquisition
- Congrats. Super-nice chip. Keep up the good work !
- Re:Nice chip! You have been on a ROLL lately
- I.D. Help needed: World Famous Brass Elephant
- Re: I.D. Help needed: World Famous Brass Elephant
- Re: I.D. Help needed: World Famous Brass Elephant
- Latest addition to my collection
- Oh Sophia,what a babe,very nice Joe
- I got a similar one a little while ago...
- She will be 82 this year
- a Pizze Fritte unknown to Americans
- Re: a Pizze Fritte unknown to Americans
Pizza Fritte?
Best w/ prosciutto embedded and topped w/2 eggs
Good, but...
a few nice chips
- SUPER SHOW dealer set up info........
- Found chip ID?
- For sale--bungee clips...
- $2.50 chips for sale..
- Today’s Car
- Some Las Vegas Dollars For Sale
Macau,Cambodia, etc
- Re:
Macau,Cambodia, etc
- Re:
Macau,Cambodia, etc
- legal casino
- Re: legal casino
Page of the Day
take it for
Las Vegas Hilton $25 Blackjack Hand
- My 500 Club find.
- Westen,very nice historic stuff
- Need $1 Argosy Casino Chips,IN
- Re: Need $1 Argosy Casino Chips,IN
- S.S. Monte Carlo comes back to life!
- Time to dive for chips,or sift the sand?
- Menu from the last gambling cruise
- So cool,I thought I had a chip from here at last
- Torrey,sure love that SS Caliente chip
- WIN this CHIP is up-to-date R U in? guess NOW
- $78.50 Thanks Steve.
- $107.88 Thanks for the fun
- $100,000,000,991
- $111 my guess Steve,good luck
- $82.02
- Re: WIN this CHIP is up-to-date R U in? guess NOW
- $ 114.99 Thanks Steve
- $ 84.44 ( Sorry Steve for the wrong post spot and
- $127.75, Thanks for the contest.
- $108.00 thanks Steve
- $57.50 LM 8507-252
- 132.99
- $70.00
- $25 Sands 16th Iss Las Vegas Chip
- Re: $25 Sands 16th Iss Las Vegas Chip
- Found chip ID?
- It's a sample advertising chip.
- California and Cruise dollars For Sale
- Old Vegas Photo of the Day
- Love the Camper in front of the Casino
- #LasVegasCasinoChip of the Day is a 25c California
- #AtlanticCityCasinoChip of the Day is a $1 Harrahs
a few nice chips
Suggested for entry into Chipguide day-243
- Re:
Suggested for entry into Chipguide day-243
- please disregard first post
- All the Banquet chips are already in CG...
- Re: All the Banquet chips are already in CG...
- Look under OTHER,
- Re: All the Banquet chips are already in CG...
- I thought the I got Stu'd chips were from
- Re: I thought the I got Stu'd chips were from
- sorry. I thought David was involved, though
- Re: 3 Different Chips
- Re: I thought the I got Stu'd chips were from
- Nope, wasn't me!
- Re: Nope, wasn't me!
- Re: Nope, wasn't me!
- Maybe Chuck Smorse?
- Not clear, but I think you may be right
- It makes me sad to see all of the active...
- del webb Baccarat register
- Sahara plaque registry not updated.
- Re: Sahara plaque registry not updated.
- I think I have mine at home,do you need my #'s
- One of my favorite baseball players died
- Re: One of my favorite baseball players died
Happy Birthday, Andy Hughes...
- Re:
Happy Birthday, Andy
Happy Birthday, Andy!!
- Happy Birthday!!!!!
- Happy Birthday Andy!!
- Have a Very Happy Birthday, Andy!
- HaPpY "B" day Andy, I hope you have the day U want
- Just look at the ribbons below Doug's name badge
Happy Birthday, Andy
Happy Birthday, Andy
- Happy Birthday Andy
- Happy Birthday Andy!
- Happy Birthday, Andy Hughes...
- Happy Birthday Andy!!!..
- Re:
Happy Birthday, Andy Hughes...
- Re:
Happy Birthday, Andy Hughes...
- Re:
Happy Birthday, Andy Hughes...
- Re:
Happy Birthday, Andy Hughes...
- Happy Birthday Andy!!!..
- Happy Birthday Andy!!
- Happy Birthday Andy!!!
- Happy Birthday Andy
- 24 in a row, I think all 5 of us will be There
NCR ~ Thursday Humor, January 28th...
- Harolds Club Movie
- Re: Harolds Club Movie
- Re: Harolds Club Movie
- from their FB page (re: Movie)
- Chip ID's please! anyone?
- RVD....
- Re: RVD = Raymond V. Dorsey
Smiths North Shore Club
Tilt ESPN las vegas prop set.
Bourbon Street .25cent - $100 set.
- Hotrod of the day for 1-28-16...NCR
- Don't miss the MOGH Plaza Exhibit Grand Opening
- Re: Don't miss the MOGH Plaza Exhibit Grand Openin
- I Don't think they are replying to emails.
- Mines Bounced Back .......
- Don't worry about the Bounce Back
- That's What I Heard
- Re: Don't miss the MOGH Plaza Exhibit Grand Openin
- Can't get in where? It's just an email
- Re: Can't get in where? It's just an email
- I guess I dont understand your question
- Re: James Warnock please register for the game...
Hacienda Boulder City Roulette Set
Hacienda - roulette small key
- NCR for sure: hand of God, fist from heaven in sky
- NIce, very nice
- Re: NCR for sure: hand of God, fist from heaven in
- For your viewing pleasure or not!
- This too....
- Re: For your viewing pleasure or not!
- ...and the rarest-of-rare.
- Re: For your viewing pleasure or not!
- Today’s Token
Railroad Pass Fifty Cent Chip. Last call!...
- Chip Guide chip entry.
- Again, Great stuff Torrey, keep them coming!!
- Luis, thanks,I finally got the $25 awhile back,
- Page of the day,my new acquisition
snappers & 2.00 below face
- got my 10 year pin
- Congrats Von, but hold out for....
- Von, Gongrats !!!
- WOOOOOO!!!!!! Buddy
- Re: WOOOOOO!!!!!! Buddy
- Congrats! Hope all is well Von!
- Congrats Von from a fellow Floridian
- Congrats friend!
- Congratulations
- Today’s Car
- Cheap chips SU+ to N/NV finishing today
- Try higher resolution scans, Luis
- Thanks Don,besides using higher resolution,what...
- Higher resolution is all you need, Luis
- Chip I'd please.
- NCR: I'm looking for Las vegas coupons - HELP!
- Re: NCR: I'm looking for Las vegas coupons - HELP!
- Re: NCR: I'm looking for Las vegas coupons - HELP!
- Re: NCR: I'm looking for Las vegas coupons - HELP!
- I am Staying at the Cosmo in Mid March..
- Re: I am Staying at the Cosmo in Mid March..
- Received this from Donald trump at the south point
- Re: Received this from Donald trump at the south p
- Is it me?
- Now THAT is a No Cash Value Chip!
- ⭐Thank you, Richard Huber⭐
a few nice chips
- Buyer Alert Retraction
$25 LV Hard Rocks
- I've got the Kiss
- Re:
$25 LV Hard Rocks
- One more week to wait.....
Opera House $25
- This week at the
auctions:Puerto Rico 20s
- See my email.
Page of the Day
take it for
a few nice chips
- Re:
a few nice chips
row 2 chip 4, all of row 3
row 2 chip 3, row 6 chip 2
European chips
- Re:
European chips
- Re:
European chips row 1 chips3,4,5
- Re:
European chips row 2 chip 2
- Re:
- Antique Eagle chip variations
- Thanks, Really Very Nice Pic's
- Re: Antique Eagle chip variations
- Thanks Chuck
- $25 El Cortez 5th Iss Las Vegas Chip
- Re: TCBPP - Please Welcome new player travelguy3
- Re: TCBPP - Please Welcome new player travelguy3
- Old Vegas Photo of the Day
- Re: Old Vegas Photo of the Day
- Re: Old Vegas Photo of the Day
- #LasVegasCasinoChip of the Day is a $1 Gay 90's yo
- #AtlanticCityCasinoChip of the day is a $5 Sands 2
Suggested forb entry into chip guide day-242
- kinda rare chipoco color set plus others
NCR ~ Wednesday Humor, January 27th...
Hal Mar Inn chips & Vineyard Dealer button
- YES, WIN this CHIP is back, guess NOW
- $105.99
- Hi Fred, U R on the list
- Re: $54.08 Thanks Steve
- $58.32 J. Eric Freedner R-8501
- Yes Eric, U should 2
U R old
- $87.87 thanks Steve
- $125.25
- $99.88
- 145.00
- $67.17 - Thanks for the contest!
- $72.89 Thanks Steve
- Re: $48.68 WIN this CHIP is back, guess NOW
- $139.39
- $66.11
- $101.68
- $171.71 (PhyllisSpagnola R-5866)
- $74.45
- 60.00 WoooooHoooooooo
- $138.17
- $99.99 roy brennan 2354-192
- Re: YES, WIN this CHIP is back, guess NOW
- 2 B valid U must post in the subject line
- Re: YES, WIN this CHIP is back, guess NOW
- to B valid U must post in the subject line
- Re: to B valid U must post in the subject line
- $129.95
- 85.25
- $102.00
- Hotrod of the day for 1-27-16...NCR
- Jay & Don - My Harrahs "Lake" Roulettes
- I was going to suggest we get you involved
- Re: I was going to suggest we get you involved
- Would 1957 be consistent with C&J chips, John?
- Re: Would 1957 be consistent with C&J chips, John?
- Re: CJ H&C History
- Re: CJ H&C History
- Re: Jay & Don - My Harrahs "Lake" Roulettes
- Jay - A little more info !!
- Re: Me too! Me Too!
- ncr - Nice color combination, shape and fragrance.
- Incredibly beautiful!
- Thanks for your comments..
- Re: ncr - I don't smell a thing...
- test
- LTD Edition Plaza chip -6 hrs left
- New MoGH Tee - 6 hours left
- NCR Puerto Rican man plays poker at his own wake!!
- Interesting. I like the idea. Like being able to ~
- I am Assuming He Had Two Pair..
- Today’s Bike
- Very nice - I would like either of them.
- Today’s Token
- Cool token!
take it for
- Chip Chat auction #37 - Opening Bids!
- NCR: But funny (about "The D")
- 'The Ho' now 'The D'...
- Where were you in 1986?
- Ironically, in 1986 I was in...Detroit!
- Catchy rap/melody! I quite enjoyed it *vgb*
- Re: NCR: But funny (about "The D")
- Re: NCR: But funny (about "The D")
- ....Cc: Archie Black ☺☺☺
- Re: ....Cc: Archie Black ☺☺☺
2016 CA Chinese New Year chips
- Re: No Monkeys Yet
- How about Cache Creek...
- Cache Creek chips...
- Yes, most likely Cache Creek
- Re: Yes, most likely Cache Creek
- Big coin and stamp show in Las Vegas sat sun
- Che Guevara - Guerra de Guerrillas!
take them all for
- Going to the bone yard. Signs from
Stardust Sam/Bill Boyd 48mm Chip
- For clarity...
- (Message Deleted by Poster)
- Will reduce amount of Set
- Genting Casino UK NEW RELEASES...!
first money gets them all
- sold all gone
- Help with Value! Two NV Errors!
- Re: Help with Value! Two NV Errors!
- Thanks, will send you better pictures...
- Check ebay's closed auctions
- Value on Mapes
Hard Rock - Pindex Oversized
- thunderbird cuff links
Stockman's silver strikes
- Question: Venetian/Palazzo CNY chips...
- Re: Question: Venetian/Palazzo CNY chips...
- Re: Question: Venetian/Palazzo CNY chips...
- Re: Question: Venetian/Palazzo CNY chips...
- Hard ones to get are the 8 dollar
- Did Venetian have a horse chip too?
- Yes they did.
- Some new "Lake" roulettes for The Chip Rack
- Re: Some new "Lake" roulettes for The Chip Rack
- Thanks for the help finding them, Jay!
Nevada Assortment
Page of the Day
take it for
a few nice chips
- Just arrived today Club magazine
- Please feel free to nominiate someone today...
Election Deadline Extended
- Curious about displays ??
- Re: Curious about displays ??
- Re: Curious about displays ??
- Re: Curious about displays ??
- Re: Curious about displays ??
- Re: Curious about displays ??
- 50¢ Tropicana 1st Iss Las Vegas Chip
- Chip Guide chip entry.
- FAKE ALERT!! Cuban chips on eBay
- Help upload pictures!!
- Rich or Robert E. please ur views on Ivory chip
- Jim or Robert E. please, ur views on these MOPs
- Re: Pictures for you Luis, hopefully
- Re: Jim or Robert E. please, ur views on these MO
- Sorry, it was John!! DUH! Looking forward to ..
- The seller contacted me ...
- Defending the Devil.
- Westen, you may be right except
- Re: Defending the Devil.
- Re: Defending the Devil.
- Re: Defending the Devil.
- Stop! You are making me hungry...
- Page of the day,my new acquisition
- Only 18 hours to go.
Vegas room key of the day
For Charity
- Old Vegas Photo of the Day
- #LasVegasCasinoChip of the Day is a $5 unnamed
- Re: Click here to view. Cant post this chip too
- #AtlanticCityCasinoChip of the Day is a $5 Trump T
- NEW RELEASE Longhorm $1 Chip
- Re: NEW RELEASE Longhorm $1 Chip
- one look around the Longhorm
- NCR - New locations for Nora's
Suggested for entry into Chip Guide Day-241
- SUPER SHOW coming real soon..........
70 California Chips!
- Re: Joaquin Club
- Late night radio humor, Phil Hendrie (NCR)
- +1
NCR ~ Tuesday Humor, January 26th...
- Skip at "76" years old 2 pic pick 1
- Man, does time fly. I remember when you were 59
- Might be dangerous for those who...
- I vote bearded ugly guy!
- PAUL HEGGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Get well quick Paul.
- info on Paul Hegge
- Re: info on Paul Hegge
- Who woke you up
- Re: Who woke you up
- Chipguide Admins
- Why do I have a red X ?
- Re: Why do I have a red X ?
- red star?
- Each one is worth 5 points.
- Re: Why do I have a red X ?
- Huge discount on Nevada memorabilia
- Re: Huge discount on Nevada memorabilia
- No rare ashtrays at this time
take them for
- California Indians Sitting In A Row...
take them for
- Looking for some Illinois Empress tokens
- Hotrod of the day for 1-26-16...NCR
- I like it!!!!!!!
- Re: Hotrod of the day for 1-26-16...NCR
- Some GREAT Galveston Illegals to still be listed
- Sure glad ....
- CONGRATS to you, Mark!!!
Chips Still Needed
- Longhorn Casino NEW Release
- Today’s Car
- Snapper Wanted
- Today’s Token
- Scarce Northern Kentucky chip
- Wow, nice chip!!
- Nice Roy
- Jeju is called the "Hawaii" of S. Korea
- Finally Las Vegas new release
- Re: Finally Las Vegas new release
- I think so rob. But you don't have to worry
- Finally Las Vegas new release
- Re: Finally Las Vegas new release
- Re: Finally Las Vegas new release
- Not sure Paul but very interesting
- Re: Finally Las Vegas new release
- Blackjack table Walt
- Re: Blackjack table Walt
- Hey, Walter...any interest in a single table
- The dot is to match the old 50 cent chip
Kentucky Chip
- pick me pick me (sold)
- Hey Paul Hegge....
take it for
- pics of snow storm Glen Burnie Maryland
- Perhaps in the sunshine! 😀
- Re: pics of snow storm Glen Burnie Maryland
a few nice chips
- Thank You Jerry Herzog!
- ncr - Drying my Lo Mein in the Florida sun today..
- Re: ncr - HEY!
Page of the Day
- Re:
Page of the Day
Feature Chip >>> French Lick
- $25 Westside Story 1st Iss Las Vegas Chip
- Snowed in notice
European chips
- Re: