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The Chip Board Archive 24

Bad Hair Day!
Ad for robotic vacuum

Ain't modern technology great!
There's a modern robotic vacuum that will vacuum your home without your assistance.
Use the self-timer and it will vacuum at the time you set it for.
When the batteries run low it will return to it's base for a re-charge, then continue to vacuum.
It's advertised as having a very strong vacuum.

Imagine all of the possibilities it frees up.
It will clean while out chip collecting?
It will clean while you're searching at the Flea Market?
Or while reading TheChipBoard?
Or, like taking a nap?


Except don't nap on the floor or something very embarrassing may occur.
I hope the poor woman didn't lose too much hair.

I think I would cut my hair off before I let anyone into my home to witness what happened!

grin grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg