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The Chip Board Archive 24
I was referring to an inlay with solid base color
In Response To:
Re: This original "How to read TCR description"
Like the Carson Nugget chips where the C&J chip have a white ring and the Paul-son chip don't.
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Playin' around with my chips again...
Re: Playin' around with my chips again...
Re: Playin' around with my chips again...
8 fractionals w inlays
Glad you're back...
This one's on fire!!!
Re: Playin' around with my chips again...
Black Inlay $2.50s
Re: Yaaay! You're back
here are a few...
Wonder about the old definition of inlay color
This original "How to read TCR description"
Re: This original "How to read TCR description"
I was referring to an inlay with solid base color
Re: I was referring to an inlay with solid base co
Playin' around with my chips again...
The Aviator of Delano, CA
Re: The Aviator of Delano, CA
Thanks Dick!....
Re: Playin' around with my chips again...
Re: Playin' around with my chips again...
Re: Playin' around with my chips again...
I have more than I thought
Re: I have more than I thought
I think the Paris-Bally's isn't black either
a few blacks from philly
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