I am gathering up material for my PHD (Pearl Harbor/ Delaware Day) Sale on Sunday December 7th.
For those of you that are into more descriptive acronyms PHD could also be "Piled Higher & Deeper" - take your choice no matter what you call it - DON'T miss it.
The PHD Sale will begin at 9:00 pm Eastern time and 6:00 pm on the Left Coast -so set your clocks and be among the first ones to grab up the chip bargains.
Same rules as my "Good Friday Sale"
Place orders by emailing me at JERRYBIRL@VERIZON.NET All orders will be filled on a first come first serve basis - going by the time your email is received. When ordering - please describe the item you want as clearly as possible to avoid confusion.
A flat $2.50 shipping charge will be added to all orders.
That's all for now - see you on Sunday !!
Take care,
Jerry (Boy, have I got chips for you !!) Birl