The way I read it, this policy does not speak to whether or not there is a legitimate disagreement over the accuracy of the product description, it only stipulates that if Buyer and Seller come to a mutual understanding that the product was not as described and the Seller is willing to give a refund, that the seller also pay for the return shipping.
I have bought many 100's of chips on ebay - and only one time did I feel the chip was not accurately described. In this instance the seller showed only one face of the chip which was in good condition, and not the reverse side that had a major scratch in it. I took the time to complain to the seller and send him pictures. The seller did agree to refund my money if I paid to return the chip. Since I only paid $3 for the chip, I didn't waste my time and just threw the chip out in the trash and left negative feedback, particularly since this seller continued to market this same chip with the same picture. It didn't seem fair to me that the Seller misrepresented his item and I was stuck not only with the original shipping cost but also the return shipping.