Thanks all. I should have said "Cheap Chips" What else do I have? ;)
I guess it's the same place I was with the dilemma.
If I build in shipping in the price, then I feel I'm taking advantage of the buyer.
If I don't, then the better I do on sales, the worse I do on profit.
I suppose the balance point is $# for shipping, each additional chip $.# I'll try to go that way. It's not going to break me if I have to use up some of the padded envelopes that I bought a full box of, in 1998?
Part of it is the postal regulations which are sometimes like roulette. However out here in the farm country, the nice lady was putting an envelope through one of the checker cards and I said "can I buy one of those" She said, "Oh sure we have them for free." So now I can check the thickness rule that makes an envelop a package and the bend regulation. I pretty much assume a casino chip is over a 1/4" in the envelope and shouldn't bend...
The other side of that, was begging and asking in the city for about a year and being told, "They aren't available" (even though the USPS website says they are.) Mark another point for living between Hooterville and Mayberry. It's slower paced and so far, everyone is friendly and helpful.