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The Chip Board Archive 23

Re: Here's a bad example
In Response To: Here's a good example... ()

My credit card that was a replacement one for me took 19 working days for it to come in mail. my brother who wrote down my credit card number and fradulantely jused to try and buy something on line from China, my bank caught it and blocked my card. I had to go down to brach and confirmed my purchases everything was by me except for that China one. My brother is a drug addict, stole money from room and my wallet when i slept he had the key, there are only 3 people who have the key, he's one of them and by leaving money in my wallet it kniks off the thief theory. Sorry for yiu have to read this.. Take care.

Messages In This Thread

You think our Post Office is slow??
You will be lucky to get it at all
Re: You will be lucky to get it at all
Re: You will be lucky to get it at all
Re: You will be lucky to get it at all
Life is only "one life time" - got several package
Your friends in Russia read chipboard so early grin
Re: Your friends in Russia read chipboard so early
No place is worse than USPS!
Here's a good example...
Re: Here's a bad example
Did you know you can ship from Russia to LV ~~~
Re: You think our Post Office is slow??
Opposite ends of the spectrum

Copyright 2022 David Spragg